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Linear Barcodes Print E-mail
Interleaved 2/5 picture Interleaved 2/5

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionAlso known as Code 25. Industrial use.
Industrial 2 of 5 picture Industrial 2 of 5

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionAlso known as Code 25 and Code 25 Industrial. Rather old code for industrial use.
Code 39 picture Code 39

Character set:A-Z, 0-9, 5 special chars
Check digit:-
DescriptionAlso known as Code 3 of 9. Often used type that is self checking.
Code 39 Extended picture Code 39 Extended

Character set:ASCII (128 chars)
Check digit:-
DescriptionAlso known as Code 3 of 9. Often used type that is self checking.
Code 11 picture Code 11

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
Codabar picture Codabar

Character set:0-9, 6 special characters
Check digit:-
DescriptionOld barcode type. Often used in medicine in the past.
MSI picture MSI

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionOld code type. Was used for goods and books in the past.
Code 128 picture Code 128

Character set:Upper- and lowercase letters, special characters
Check digit:Modulo 103
DescriptionModern type of barcode. Has highly copmpressed data. Very often used.
Code 128 Auto picture Code 128 Auto

Character set:Upper- and lowercase letters, special characters
Check digit:Modulo 103
DescriptionThe most optimal character set or their combination is selected. Thanks to changing character sets, the most optimal barcode size is achieved.
Code 128 A, B picture Code 128 A, B

Character set:Upper- and lowercase letters, special characters
Check digit:Modulo 103
DescriptionSubcode of Code 128.
Code 128 C picture Code 128 C

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 103
DescriptionThe most optimal character set or their combination is selected. Thanks to changing character sets, the most optimal barcode size is achieved.
EAN Addon-2 picture EAN Addon-2

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionAddOn code. For example for magazines.
EAN Addon-5 picture EAN Addon-5

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionAddOn code. For example for books.
EAN-8 picture EAN-8

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThis is the short version of EAN-13 for extremly small products.
EAN-13 picture EAN-13

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThe EAN code is primarily used in supermarkets to identify product at the point of sales.
EAN-14 picture EAN-14

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThe EAN 14 code is used for traded goods.
UPC-A picture UPC-A

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThe UPC A code is the standard version of the UPC code and has 12 digits. It is also called UPC 12 and is very similar to the EAN code.
UPC-E picture UPC-E

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThis is the short version of UPC-A for extremly small products.
UCC/EAN 128 picture UCC/EAN 128

Character set:ASCII (128 chars)
Check digit:Modulo 103
DescriptionThe EAN/UCC 128 is a special form of the Code 128. It's used for goods and paletts in commerce and industry. There can be coded more than one data field inside one barcode using Application Identifiers.
SSCC-18 picture SSCC-18

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionSerial Shipping Container Code. It is used throughout the supply chain as an identifier for item tracing and internal control.
PostNet, PlaNet picture PostNet, PlaNet

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:-
DescriptionThis code us used to improve the speed of sorting and delivering of mail.
Code 93 picture Code 93

Character set:A-Z, 0-9, 5 special chars
Check digit:optional
DescriptionSame characterset as Code 39 but more compacted code that requires less space.
Code 93 Extended picture Code 93 Extended

Character set:ASCII (128 chars)
Check digit:optional
DescriptionSame characterset as Code 39 Extended but more compacted code that requires less space.
ITF picture ITF

Character set:numeric 0-9
Check digit:Modulo 10
DescriptionThe ITF-14 barcode is used to create the Shipping Container Symbol. This code is used to mark cartons and palettes that are including goods with an EAN-13 code.

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