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How to add a PDF417 Barcode ActiveX to a Internet Explorer

Create an HTML page to embed PDF417 Barcode ActiveX in. A simple sample page is given below
<html> <body> <OBJECT ID="PDF417Ctrl" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="150" CLASSID="CLSID:B26FE0A3-C7AD-4DD3-B9E7-BC6524112444"></OBJECT> </body> </html>
The installation package includes a fully functional sample HTML page.

How to embed PDF417 bar code into MS Internet Explorer

Note: You can use the PDF417 Barcode ActiveX control on the Internet without installing it on users' PCs. Barcodes are generated directly on the IIS server without any temporary files being created.
See example of using PDF417 Barcode ActiveX on an IIS server.


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