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PDF417 BarCode ActiveX Properties

DataToEncode Property
Returns or sets the data that is to be encoded in the barcode.

object.DataToEncode [ = sDataToEncode ]
Possible Values
DataToEncodeString that specifies or receives the barcode data.

The property is read/write.
Control characters and use of the tilde
To insert special characters, the "~" character is used. Below you can see available values of special characters.
  • ~1: Not allowed.
  • ~2: Not allowed.
  • ~3: This character are only allowed in the first position of the symbol. It indicates that the data contains commands for the barcode reader.
  • ~4: Not allowed.
  • ~5: Not allowed.
  • ~6: Not allowed.
  • ~7NNNNNN: Specifies the Extended Channel to be used, where NNNNNN is a value between and 000000 - 811799. For example: ~7000010 means Extended Channel 10. An Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) is used to change from the default interpretation used to encode data. This mechanism enables characters from other character sets (e.g. Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew) and other data interpretations or industry-specific requirements to be represented. The ECI can only be used with readers enabled to transmit the symbology identifiers.
  • ~xNN: Represents the hexadecimal value of NN, for example, if there is a combination of "~xA7", it will be replaced with the hexadecimal value of A7.
  • ~~: Represents the "~" character. This combination can be used to assign its usual value to the "~" character, thus, "~~R" does not mean carriage return character (CR), but two characters "~" and "R".
  • ~R: Represents the carriage return character.
  • ~N: Represents the new line character.
  • ~T: Represents the tab character.

CompactionMode Property
Returns or sets the encoding mode of the PDF417 barcode.

object.CompactionMode [ = eCompactionMode ]
Possible Values
eCompactionModeValue that specifies or receives the encoding mode of the PDF417 barcode

0cmAutoThe most optimal encoding mode or their combination is selected. Thanks to changing encoding modes, the most optimal PDF417 barcode size is achieved.
1cmTextThe Text Compaction mode includes all the printable ASCII characters (i.e. values from 32 to 126) and three ASCII control characters: HT or tab (ASCII value 9), LF or line feed (ASCII value 10), and CR or carriage return (ASCII value 13). The Text Compaction mode encodes up to 2 characters per codeword.
2cmNumericThe Byte Compaction mode should be used to encode long strings of consecutive numeric digits.
3cmByteThe Byte Compaction mode enables a sequence of 8-bit bytes to be encoded into a PDF417 barcode.

The property is read/write.

ErrorCorrectionLevel Property
Returns or sets the error correction level of the PDF417 barcode.

object.ErrorCorrectionLevel [ = eErrorCorrectionLevel ]
Possible Values
eErrorCorrectionLevelValue that specifies or receives the error correction level of the PDF417 barcode

ValueConstantTotal number of error correction codewords
9eclAutoRecommended minimum error correction level.

The property is read/write.
Error correction can be used to compensate for defects in the label and misreads during the decode procedure. For any given error correction level, a particular number of error correction codewords is incorporated into the PDF417 symbol.

DataColumns Property
Returns or sets the number of data columns in the PDF417 matrix. This number can be from 1 to 30. The more the number of columns is, the greater width PDF417 needs.
If the DataRows property is equal to zero, the number of rows is calculated automatically depending on the amount of encoded data and the number of columns.
In the same way, if the number of data columns is equal to zero, the necessary number of columns will be calculated automatically.
The DataColumns and DataRows properties cannot be both equal to zero.
If DataColumns and DataRows are not equal to zero, the PDF417 control will try to encode the data using these parameters.

object.DataColumns [ = iDataColumns ]
Possible Values
iDataColumnsInteger that specifies or receives the DataColumns property

The property is read/write.

DataRows Property
Returns or sets the number of data rows in the PDF417 matrix. This number can be from 3 to 90.

object.DataRows [ = iDataRows ]
Possible Values
iDataRowsInteger that specifies or receives the DataRows property

The property is read/write.

CompactPDF Property
If this property is True, the PDF417 barcode will be drawn in the compact mode. You should keep in mind that not all scanners support compact PDF417.

object.CompactPDF [ = bCompactPDF ]
Possible Values
bCompactPDFBoolean that specifies or receives the CompactPDF property

The property is read/write.
In earlier specifications of PDF417, this was called Truncated PDF417. Compact PDF417 is a preferred term to avoid confusion with the more general use of the term 'truncated'.

Y2XRatio Property
This property determines the ratio of y-dimension to x-dimension. The minimum recommended value is 3. Usually, this property is set to 4.

object.Y2XRatio [ = rY2XRatio ]
Possible Values
rY2XRatioValue that specifies or receives the y to x ratio.

The property is read/write.

Orientation Property
Returns or sets the orientation of the barcode.

object.Orientation [ = eOrientation ]
Possible Values
OrientationValue that specifies or receives the orientation of the barcode.
Valid values are 0, 90, 180 and 270

The property is read/write.

Transparent Property
Returns or sets a value indicating whether the background of a PDF417 control is transparent or opaque.

object.Transparent [ = bTransparent ]
Possible Values
bTransparentBoolean that specifies or receives the Transparent property
If the value is False then the the control's BackColor property setting fills the control and obscures any color or graphics behind it.

The property is read/write.

BackColor Property
Returns or sets the background color of a bar code.

object.BackColor [ = sColor ]
Possible Values
sColorValue that specifies or receives the background color

The property is read/write.
The BackColor property is ignored if the Transparent property setting is true.

The valid range for a normal RGB color is 0 to 16,777,215 (&HFFFFFF). The high byte of a number in this range equals 0; the lower 3 bytes, from least to most significant byte, determine the amount of red, green, and blue, respectively. The red, green, and blue components are each represented by a number between 0 and 255 (&HFF).

ForeColor Property
Returns or sets the foreground color of all bars in a bar code object.

object.ForeColor [ = sColor ]
Possible Values
sColorValue that specifies or receives the foreground color

The property is read/write.

QuietZone Property
Returns or sets a value that determines whether to include quiet zones. The PDF417 barcode shall include a quiet zone on all four sides.

object.QuietZone [ = bQuietZone ]
Possible Values
bShowQuietZoneBoolean that specifies or receives the ShowQuietZone property

The property is read/write.
Quiet Zones are small areas of blank space (x-dimension). Most bar code symbology specifications require quiet zones therefore it is highly recommended that you enable this option.

AlignH Property
Returns or sets a horizontal barcode alignment.

object.AlignH [ = eAlignH ]
Possible Values
eAlignHValue that specifies or receives the horizontal barcode alignment

0hPDFLeftleft alignment
1hPDFCentercenter alignment
2hPDFRightright alignment

The property is read/write.

AlignV Property
Returns or sets a vertical barcode alignment.

object.AlignV [ = eAlignV ]
Possible Values
eAlignVValue that specifies or receives the vertical barcode alignment

0vPDFToptop alignment
1vPDFCentercenter alignment
2vPDFBottombottom alignment

The property is read/write.

LastError Property
Returns the last-error code value.

Possible Values
hLastErrorValue that receives the LastError property

The property is read only.

LastErrorInfo Property
Returns the description of the last error. It returns an empty string if no errors have been encountered.

Possible Values
sLastErrorInfoString that receives the LastErrorInfo property

The property is read only.


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